Monday, June 16, 2008

don't call me baby, don't even try

As you can tell I was so excited to see Augustana, after so long of not being able to. I’ve finally seen them perform and they blew me away, they are so amazing, and they fall nothing short of amazing. They are by far the best boys and I don’t mean those lighting boys are what ever they are on the film set. They are so genuine and sincere. Being in there presence makes me so happy, I had a smile on my face the whole time. Here are some pictures of me with them, sorry some of them weren’t ready but I’m still happy I’ve finally meet them.

You know my usual, nothing to do today, but watch TV and read my book. I forgot to mention Penelope was such a good movie, it's so cute and sweet, i think you should watch the movie, i ended up watching it again, but this time with my little siblings also.

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