Tuesday, August 5, 2008

twenty is a big number

Alright, so yesterday was somewhat fun! It’s always fun when I’m hanging out my friends, even when we’re doing nothing or have nothing to do. Their company is always welcomed. So lets see, I took a shower and got ready, and finally convinced Sobuon to come along with us for our little celebration. So we ended up going to the work place first so that we can pick up a check. Then we headed to Sobuon’s house and then afterwards to Halima to pick her up. We had to go to her work place and then since we were in the area we just decided to stay there, since we’re horrible at decision making. Then we went to H&M I bought two dresses and a black cardigan sweater. Afterwards we went to go eat at Johnny Rockets. We were there for quite a while. We spent a lot of nickels on their little jukebox thing. But it was fun and worth it I guess.
[on the phone with my boy]

[I only had four dollars, because I'm not a stripper!]

After that we headed back to my places, because that’s how the day always ends, just kidding. Halima wanted to dye her hair, so we’re going there to do so. Then we started to watch the Teen Choice Awards, it was so lame, and Miley being host was not just. Someone else could have done a way better job than her. She was being really conceited about everything. The fame has really gotten to her head. But either way, I had a pretty awesome time with my friends and that’s all that matters. Also John O from the Maine has the same birthday as Halima and they both turned 20! That’s cool, I think. All i did today was organize, but something else, not my pictures. It was my magazine, I just started getting a lot of fashion magazine and my newspapers. Right now we're about to watch Harold and Kumar : Escape from Guatemala Bay.

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