Thursday, July 31, 2008

naptime with kayli

Last night Kayli slept with us and it wasn't fun. She cried and kicked us for her bottle. She did that for about 3 times I think. Today we didn't do much. We took her to Albertson's with us and she was getting sleepy on the way there. But she woke up when we got there and then fell asleep when we went on our way home. Then she ate some ice cream with us and we all went up stairs. I had her listen to Danger Radio, she was dancing to it, I guess that wore her out though, because she fell asleep, well I fell asleep also. So we both took a nap. I napped for about an hour, then went downstairs to watch television with everyone else. I keep coming up to see if she woke up though, so that she wouldn't wake up crying or fall of the bed. Then after about the second hour I came up and she was up, but I don't know since when, she didn't cry like she usually did, but she still lying down but she was looking at all the pictures I had on the wall. I picked her up and then we went downstairs to of course watch television. Right now I'm organizing my pictures by the days they were taken. There's quite a few but you can see most of them on buzznet right now.
here's the link to it: xcupcakekidx
check it out and leave comments or whatever, i've decided to just upload picture from this year only.

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